I have been an AT&T customer since 2006. I was recently diagnosed with end stage renal disease and I have been missing work a lot due to appointments and surgeries.
I called AT&T on June 1st to setup an arrangement to pay on June 8th due to me missing work from a surgery. The manager asked me if I could pay half of the bill. I said yes but I didn't have my debit card, my girlfriend had it. I asked if I could call back in 20 minutes to make the payment. The manager said yes. 15 minutes later, my gf made the payment. A day and a half later, my phone is off!!!
I called AT&T support and they told me that she said to call back make a payment and then make an arrangement for June 8th. I advised the rep that I was never advised of that instruction as you see I clearly made the payment asked for. She told me that I could ask for the call to be reviewed and it would be reviewed in 1 to 48 hours. (1st lie) She even said that she sees where AT&T made the error!!!!
I waited the weekend and called today to see if my call was reviewed. The manager I spoke to today advised me that calls are never reviewed, no matter how many times a customer requests for the call to be reviewed, even though they have a call review department. I then asked can I speak to customer retention and he advised me that he couldn't transfer me and I would have to go through the prompts again and ask to speak to customer retention. (lie #2) I did that and when i got a rep on the line, she told me that since my service was interrupted, that I couldn't speak to retention. She also said that whatever is typed is what they believe. So basically I was called a liar.
So AT&T, is that how you treat your customers that are honest and pay? Once this contract is up, I will never renew with AT&T again!! The remaining bill will be paid on June 8th and today is the 6th.
Thanks for the memories.