This email refers to the AT&T shared data allotment and overages for ***** and ***** in my name, Herbert *****Chicago IL 60613. All of the overages were charges to my wife's line, the ***** number.
Three overages and 1gb increases have been billed to my account since last Wed. May 18. This data activity was highly suspect. Your records will show that for EVERY billing period up until now our data usage was quite a bit below our monthly allotment and there was an accumulation of rollover data each month. Numerous attempts by us to determine the cause of these overages has resulted in misinformation, misdirection and general confusion from AT&T customer service phone reps and AT&T store reps over the period of the next two days after the initial overage.
We have devoted a great deal of time and energy trying to determine the cause of these overages. I have outlined below the sequence of events that finally led me to disable our data service until the next billing period begins. Thus, we are now without data service and are quite perturbed by the incompetence of AT&T reps, both on the phone and in person in the AT&T store. I am hereby requesting a "courtesy correction" of the charges for the 3 overages that occurred.
If no valid information and no courtesy correction are forthcoming I intend to switch all of our AT&T services to another carrier. These services include a land line in Chicago, wifi service in Chicago, our shared cellular service, and a land line in Michigan City IN.
Here, to the best of my recollection, is the sequence of events beginning last Wed. May 18:
1. The first notification of overage was received. I checked recent usage of data on the AT&T website. It was huge. We shut down my wife's phone (9274) for the night. The next morning I again checked for recent usage and found some usage listed for the 9274 phone at 3am in the morning when the phone was presumably off.
2. On Thursday. there was a second notice and charge for an overage. Suspecting fraud, I called customer service and discussed the problem. I was told to take my wife's iphone to an AT&T store and ask them to check out the phone and to check for a "data leak". I disabled the data account for our phones..
3. On Friday my wife took her iphone to the AT&T store. They checked out the settings on the phone. Because of an update of the phone's OS there was an app that switched to LTE when the wifi signal was weak. By defualt it was On. The store rep said that was the problem and switched it to Off. The store rep said to call customer service and ask for a "courtesy correction".
4. On Friday afternoon I called customer service and asked for a courtesy correction. The customer service rep said that the AT&T store was responsible for that, so I should go back to the store and ask them to do it.
5. I went back to the store and asked for the correction. The store manager said that they were not able to do that from the store and I should call customer service to ask for it!
6. I called customer service from the store and explained what was happening. The rep was sympathetic and asked for her manager to speak to the store manager. They spoke at great length, and when it was over, he said that the customer service could find no overage charges on my account! (This was 2 days after the original overage charge).
7. I went home from the store, opened up my computer and, behold, there was notification of yet a third charge for overage, even though the store rep had disabled our data account before I left the store!
8. I called back to the store and told them about the 3rd overage. He sort of shrugged and said couldn't explain it. I then asked if he had checked for a data leak (as I was directed to ask by the rep in item 4 above). He said that they had no facility to perform this check, and that I was misinformed. I was told to contact technical support for this.
9. I went on on line and made sure that the data account was disabled, which it still is. Can you understand my frustration with this? I have not called tech support because of all the goofiness outlined above. I would not expect anything more from tech support than the same misinformation I have outlined above.
Very, Very Perturbed,
Herb [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]
Problem with data overages