Does anyone from AT&T Customer Care leadership read this forum? If so, how may I escalate and seek assistance to resolve an issue with my AT&T wireless account (billing)? My wife has tried 4 times (documented, case numbers, etc) with AT&T Wireless by phone since April to resolve a billing issue. Today she spent 2.5 hours on the phone with various AT&T wireless representatives and we still do not have resoution. I pay AT&T $300/month and have for many years and you would think for $3,600/year they could provide better support. My wife was almost in tears at the end of the phone call and this is over a stupid billing issue. This service level and failure to resolve over multiple calls and taking this long on the phone to resolve is abhorent and I would not expect this from such a large organization. Please tell me there is an escalation department that can step in, review the case notes, and provide a simple summary of how they can help resolve my issues. I am happy to be contacted once I know someone is going to take this issue seriously.