For the millionth time you have charged me for services I NEVER subscribed to; I quit them both well before the trial period was up WITH AN AT&T Rep. "00ps! I'm sorry Miz Berry, I see you've already been charged for family mapping even though... Hmm okay, it's 26days since you started your trial." Blah blah "it's all taken care of, charges erased, no subscription. I am so sorry for the inconvenience." BULL! Now I'm 3rd month being billed AGAIN, and you make me call again, and you apologize again and the charges are still there!! I HATE YOU AT&T!! I've been a client since.... 2003? And you do this kind of stuff to me all the time!! You wait so long that I don't think I EVER DO GET MY MONEY BACK THAT YOU STOLE!!! Like for Beats!! Now, "my records don't go that far back Miz Berry, u can transfer you and get them ordered..." BULL! I did not order family mapping, I have not used it once and I want my money back with interest!!! I also want a thorough forensic accounting of my payments vs actual real billable, since 2013. Y'all are stealing my money, withdrawing from my bank without my permission and without reason!