i am looking for an email option to file a complaint. I switched to att after over 12 years with verizon this past January. I was told I would receive $300/line within three billing cycles. Now, there is no evidence of this and they are only giving me $100/line. I was on the phone with att for over an hour yesterday and did not get any help with my issue. i was promised a call back and did not receive that. It seems as if the store and phone service associates like to place blame on each other tossing me back and forth! I switched to att because i heard they had better customer service and we have phone/internet/cable with them. HOWEVER, i would have NEVER paid $567 to discontinue service with verizon for a phone that does not have service in my house, has a higher bill than i was paying and certainly not for $200 and HORRIBLE customer service.
If anyone has experiences with this, or knows how to contact someone who will not simply pass me along to another associated I would greatly appreciate it. Otherwise, I guess I'm taking the loss and moving to another company.