Recently I went to an AT&T store and 1) Bought a new iPad Pro; 2) Opened a new DirectTV account; and 3) Opened a new Wireless Home Phone account. That went very smoothly. The Sales agent asked me to call a number on the detail list given to me when the DirectTV was installed to recieve a $10/month reduction on my bill. I was to say "I want to Unify my bill". So today, I did just that. Here are the steps I went through:
1) I called the number given and they stated that they didn't know what I wanted to do and transferred me to another department.
2) Here, I met a very rude man that said he could help. He asked for the cell phone number the account was listed under, the last 4 digits of the SSN the account was listed under, and the pin number for this account. That was more than I expected, and it took me awhile to find everything. Then, he stated I needed a Security question? The question was "What is your favorite Restaurant?" I felt this was too elusive a question for me to remember and my wife would never give the same answer. He stated that was the only question he could use. He stated "Then I will transfer you to someone who might have other questions". He angerly made the transfer.
3) The person he sent me to could not find my account using either my account number or the cell phone number??? She sent me to another department.
4) This person did the same as the second person, but when we got to the Security Question, he had four I could choose from.
a) What is your favorite restaurant? (We don't have one)
b) Who is your favorite hero when you were young? (I don't have one)
c) Who is your favorite actor? (I don't have one)
d) Who is your favorite Singer (I have many)
These questions are too vague and unmemorable when there is not one that stands out. These things change, and a year from now, I would most likely have a different answer. I told him this, and he stated I should write it down?? I am 65 years old, I know I would not remember where I wrote it down a year from now. So I asked him to see if I could get a question that is memorable. He transferred me to the 'Unify' department.
5) As it turns out, I did not get the 'Unify' department. The lady stated I must answer one of these four questions, or go down to the AT&T store and work with another agent. So then I asked her another billing question, and she stated she did not have access to my billing information.
I don't know how these companies stay open. Rude, "It's not my job', and too many departments made my 2 hours on the phone very frustrating. Just to 'Unify' my account.