I have cancelled my wireless service (no contract) on March 20,2016. The representative transfer my account to go phone without my notice or approval. Then my on line access to the account is not working. On March 23, I called customer service again. She cancelled the go phone plan for me. Its been more than 2 weeks since I cancelled the wireless service, I did not receive the cancellation letter or final bill. I called several times to customer service regarding this account. I went to the ATT store to inquire this account to pay any final bill. The store manager said she can' t find my account and i can't pay since there is nothing shown on her IPad. She wanted me call customer service at ATT store. Again, I have waited 20 minutes because the representative can't find my account and keep transfering me to different department.
What's going on with your department, I just want to pay any balance due after I cancel the service.
Please help