I paid my last bill and cancelled service. I received a final bill with ONLY early termination fee on it, no service charge because I cancelled. ATT charged me taxes, service fees and other fees on the early terminatio fee. I had two phones and fee came to $155 per phone for $310.
As I said they added taxes and other charges to this which come to about $75 bringing total bill to$385. I'm wondering if this is even legal to collect service fees and taxes on a penalty charge. I don't pay tax on late fees or bounced checks, so why should they charge for a early termination fee?
It also is unfair. My other charges on my regular bill came to about $25 per month wile I did have serve. Now that I DON'T have service they want $75? This is outrageous and again, I don't think it is legal. I am contacting my local representative to find out how they can do this, it seems they do it to everyone.
I've offered to pay the $310 and no fees or taxes but they won't accept. I told them they can have nothing or $310 as agreed in contract and they chose nothing. What dopes.
I've been through this before. They send lots and lots of collection letters and then settle for about half in the end. It cost them a fortune to collect so little. That's some kind of stupid. And I have excellent credit and lots of it so this little thing won't bother me a bit.