After being told by a store last year that we would have to turn our land line into a cellphone if we weren't moving directly into our new home, we have had nothing but issues. This week I chatted with a customer service rep, who offered us a plan that would save us almost $60 a month. After a week of not seeing the change applied, I called customer service today, only to be told that I would have to pay $40 more a month because of the stupid contract on the cell phone that we don't even want! I just got done chatting again with service for almost an hour. Their answer? Too bad about the contract, there's nothing we can do about it. Here's an offer that would save you a few dollars a month. Ridiculous! There are so many other companies out there willing to break that contract and lower my payments, I'm not even sure why I bothered today. I've called so many times within the past year, only to be put on hold and have to listen to the lady repeat how great AT&Ts customer service is. No. It's not good. It's horrible. I only hope it doesn't ruin DirectV's customer service. Bye AT&T....looks like we're breaking up!