Can i remove my tablet from my plan..i am a directv employee and got ny tablet free..when i upgraded to tablet went from $10 month to an extra $100!..i was not told about this. And on top of it my emo fan discount was accidently removed from my account and i am due a credit of at least $200 but keep getting passed around..i have my fan discount number but when i went to store they added it back but didnt apply credit..they didnt do it right sonehow..because it didnt stick..please help a frustrated fellow employee..they havent fuxed my problem and i was forced to pay $240 to keep service on .thats about what my credit should be if not more..i love the service but may have to go back to tmobile if this issue cant be resolved quickly..tired of being given the emo fan number is can see it on my december bill...please help