I am grandfathered in on the old unlimited and have 2 iphone 6s's from signing contract in November.
With increase, I can obviously walk with the ETF. However, I am considering bundling with my DirecTV as that will save me about $30 (with new rate) and keep me unlimited. However, I wanted to cancel contract anyways and have phone unlocked, just to give myself some flexibility. I was told at the store, changing plans would not get me out of my commitment. I was hoping I could start a new account (under wife's name) and port both of our phones to that account, and have them unlocked, but remain on ATT.
Is there any way to cancel my ATT witihout ETF, have my phones unlocked, and take the DirecTV unlimited option without having 21 months remaining on my contract? Hypothetically, I could move to Cricket or something for a month, have the phones unlocked, and sign a new contract. But that sounds like a lot of trouble. Thoughts?
I would like the ability to walk if for some reason I drop DirecTV and ATT is no longer the best deal.