Two nights ago, I chatted with an AT&T agent about an exhorbitant bill. The agent proposed certain changes to bring my bill down. I agreed to these changes and e-mailed myself the chat transcript. Today I checked my account and the changes had not been made. I therefore called AT&T and asked to speak to the manager (Tabitha [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]). The manager refused to honor the promised changes, even questioned the veracity of my claim that the agent had stated he would make those changes, and did not want to see the transcript when I offered to send it. It was not until I asked point-blank whether this was a mistake made by their agent, that the manager accepted it. However, she also stated that AT&T is a large organization and this happens and they can only follow policy. How am I to trust each agent I speak to from now on when changes are not honored (even when documented) and managers refuse to take responsibily on behalf of their agents?
The sad thing is that if the manager had admitted to the mistake early on (instead of questioning the veracity of my claim) and apologized, I would probably not be writing this complaint. Bad management!