I have a feeling people will move away from AT&T sprint and all the others at some point soon till they bring back the unlimited data plans. I mean seriously what's the point of a smart phone when u don't have unlimited data anymore I for one won't be paying ANY data charges on any bills and I encourage everyone to do that. If no one pays for data they will change it back to unlimited data or loose customers. It won't work unless we all refuse to pay data charges. So I challenge everyone to stand up to whatever provider they use and say enough is enough. This is 2015 not 1999. Everyone uses phone for calls lots and we get charges like crazy for that now they wanna add data plans that's not unlimited I think not. So again I'm done paying data charges and if they don't like it too bad. Remember the people have the power to force a change if no one pays and we all stick to that they will loose tons of money. Plz spread the word refuse to pay 1 red cent of a data anything.