Where do I begin? Well, it iused to be the only game in town for iPhone so I signed on and switched from Verizon and got the worst cell service, highest bills, worst customer service and most difficult internet site for navigating how to resolve issues, check my bills, history and records of my relationship. Then, when I found I could get iPhone from other carriers and they couldn't force me to use their phone and jailbreaking a phone became legal, they forced me to front load my last payment assuring me the remaining money would be refunded of which, not only did my accouint disappear from their records, my ability to access any information was disabled and I couldn't get a human being on the phone for hours at a time, then I would be told, that someone would call me back or some other bullcrap that ultimately ended up with me giving up on the $150.+ that they essentially stole from me. Why am I writing about this a few years later?
Because ATT continues to email me after I unsubscribed from all emails, even speaking to someone on the phone one day when I'd had enough and they personally assured me they would stop and now, I just spent almost 30 minutes stumbling through this horrible rabbit hole of a customer service nightmare to find this little window where I can write someone a letter. Where it will end up is anyone's guess, but since ATT won't do a thing about making good on the theft of my pre-payment and the various lies I was told about charges that were fabricated, exaggerated and lost in the shuffle of lost codes, account numbers and other such bold faced lies and theft, trust me fellow human, I have nothing to gain from this because I've long ago given up any hope that ATT won't do anything more than lie, cheat and steal from the unwitting consumer who may at some point find themself stuck with them doing things like not releasing your phone number or whatever other gestapo like tactics they can scare or squeeze us with, I'm here today to warn you fellow human, this company is evil, has built it's business on cheating and lying to the public and I assure you that any other form of service they offer that anyone else can match or even come close to providing, will infinitely be better, cheaper, and most of all more honest than these corporate thieves have built their fortunes on.
And for the coporate employee of ATT who may want to resolve this situation, feel free to contact me as I will, again, at length and ad nauseum start from the beginning and painstakingly detail all the wasted time and money but only on one condition, they pay me back for all the time and money I've given them over the years and lets just say this, give me back the $150 you made disappear instead of paying me back and then we'll start from there. Again, I have nothing to gain because I have no expectations of anything from ATT but maybe, just maybe, someone will read this and not give them their business and you dear consumer, will not suffer as I have, and many millions of others over the years. They do not have the best service, best connections, best prices, best support, repairs or consumer satisfaction and from what I have experienced in business and personal relationships with ATT, they are at the highest in cost, lowest in customer service and satisfaction and they won't stop soliciting you for more business no matter what. I promise to continue to explore any and every avenue I have at my access to make this statement come back to haunt ATT as it is all true and if they can't and won't pay me back what they stole in billing overages, and won't stop trying to get more business from me, then I will spend at least this much time daily for the rest of my time on this mortal coil, warning the unsuspecting and unwitting consumer that they are indeed soulless, careless and evil corporate thieves that care nothing of building their business on the backs of decent humans who are duped by them. Fix it or not, I would rather never speak to anyone in this world on an ATT line till the day I die before doing so, since they lied and cheated and duped me for so long and with such unrelenting intent.