On the final day of our last billing cycle we exceeded our 10gb allowed with our plan and we were charged $15 for 1gb. While I knew that when you exceed your plans gb that would happen, I had no idea that the 1 gb would not roll over. So we payed $15 for 1 day of service ! AND to make it even worse, when I when to check what the price would be for a package with more data would cost, I saw that a 15gb plan is now offered for THE EXACT SAME PRICE AS MY PLANS CURRENT 10gb !! WOW, totally got screwed last month !! I have since changed to the 15gb plan and will have to rethink whether to stay with AT&T in the future , and not just wireless, we have Uverse with home phone, wifi and TV too. Hmm, who will get ALL of our business ???