Today I've been transferred three different times, last time was to ISM Billing and I've been on hold 25 minutes waiting for them (total of 1 hour 20 minutes on phone so far).
Last month I combined my DIRECTV and AT&T wireless bills to get the $10/month credit for combined billing, got e-mail from AT&T dated 8/22 thanking me for combining my bills. Today I get an e-mail from AT&T saying my bill is ready. I logon to the AT&T web site, says I can't view current bill due to recent changes. Try the pay my bill selection, says I owe $1,211.17 (bill should be about $380 for the combined service) and that it's past due.
So far nobody at AT&T can tell me what's going on or even what this amount is for. I can't even tell if I'm still set up for auto payment or not. Frankly if I am I'm tempted to just let it go through and then fight the charge via my bank since nobody at AT&T so far has been able to tell me what's going on.