Well here it is late Friday night one day shy of a full week and I have yet to get my $500;refunded back to my debit card like att said six days ago I have yet to pay my rent ,my car payment,my power bill ETC. This is coming for a extremely well known wireless phone company who promise excellent customer satisfaction, and the funny thing about Att. NOT refunding g my money yet was even though I didn't have the money in the bank my bank still approved the transaction lol so what I'm saying is requardless this was a bad accident in which Att understood the money I'm asking to be refunded was the money my bank put up for me so its not like its coming out of Atts..pocket its my banks money that was sent to them so come people Att. Let's get it together and refund my money so I can pay my bills,and put this incident behind us.I have the phone unopened still in the box I do not!!!! Want it in waiting to hear word on what to do with it as well as refunding my money.I'm Disabled and I paralyzed in a wheelchair its not like I can run out and work to pay my bills .I'm hoping higher up in Att. Sees my story's on here and find out who the incompetent people that Att.have working for them.
Sincerly,David C.
Sincerly,David C.