I am an employee that works in a call center. Everyday I am yelled at cussed at by our customers. Nature of the beast sure. However there is a trend. AT&T Stores and Third party vendors. Everyday I am getting calls from our customers that have been mislead and straight LIED to by our representives in stores, in the effects of waived upgrade, fees promotional tablets, charging restocking fees for DOA devices, putting insurance on accounts when its not asked for. The list goes on and on. Who do they call upset about this stuff ? People like me. I'm okay with helping these people, but the issue with this is since the stores use a different system then us all we can do is make a note and say "Sorry you have to dispute that at the point of sale." How do you think that makes the customer feel ? How do you think that makes me feel ? I am a pretty compassionate person and I feel terrible when I have to do this. Then from there the crap rolls down hill. I am rated by the service I provide. Not by the my supervisor not by my manager. By the customer that I just told I could do nothing for. Honestly at times I feel powerless to help the people who keep me employed. Its bull... Every single day my job is put on the line due to dishonest store reps who just wanna make a commisson. They don't care who they screw over. They just wanna make that sale. Once the customer returns to that point of sale, the get the run around and sometimes get down right cruel with our customers. For example I had a 77 year old woman go to a store. She bought a gophone. The device was DOA she had her proof of purchase and these clowns tried charging her a restocking fee. A restocking fee of a gophone. She only had it for 2 days ! The store refused to take it back or exchange it. They instead of her a blue tooth head seat. Tell me ! What good is a blue tooth device to a customer when the phone she JUST bought doesn't work ?! AT&T needs to clean house ! They need to do it fast too. For those of you who are customers and are reading this. I may be one person but TRUST ME when I say. I understand you ! I Hear you ! Now we just need the higher ups to take action. Don't let these store screw you ! I know not all phone reps are perfect but I promise you you will get much straighter answers from any phone rep in customer service then you will in a store. BOYCOTT THE STORESTHAT ARE SCREWING YOU !!!! And know that care reps on the phone will do everyting they can do within their ability to help as long as its logical and with in the guidelines of our job. At least I know I will ! If your store screwed you over email about it let your voices be heard don't just take it. if you are within your 14 day return period and your stuff is messed up. DEMAND IT GET IT FIX AT THE STORE YOUR GOT IT AT !!!! I love you all and I can speak for myself when I say Thank you for calling me and letting me be the one to give you good honest and direct customer service !