I've been struggling to get my phone unlocked for 3 weeks now and I've exhausted every avenue and it is really frustrating. I made a payment towards my phone to pay it off completely about 3 weeks ago. However, it turns out this payment was posted directly to my account as credit rather than the phone itself even though when I made the payment, it confirmed that it was indeed for the phone itself.
Now that part isn't too big of a deal I guess but I have talked to 5-6 different ATT agents throguh the online chat who have all failed to help me in any sort of meaningful way. I Called billing and they explained to me that because of certain circumstances with combined billing it did not allow me to payoff the phone. I talked to a guy and he promised me he had provided all the information to the next department and he would get it sorted out in 2 days and give me a call etc. Nothing happened.
So, I went to the ATT store and the people there knew less about my problem than anyone else and told me to wait a month. Now I understand that in any complex system, problems end up arising but I really don't think its fair for me to wait almost 2 months to unlock my phone. If that it indeed the case, I'd prefer a straight answer rather than some white lie about having my problem fixed.
ATT Next Payoff