I am currently a month behind on my wireless bill. My bill is due on the 25th of each month. I called AT&T to make arrangements and I have an arrangement set up to pay just the past due balance on 3/28/13, but my new bill is due on 3/25/13. I will be making my past due balance on the 28th but will not have the funds to pay the new balance and will make another arrangement. My biggest concern is I can not make a new arrangement until my old one is paid causing the new bill to be past due also. I am very scared my services will be suspended on the 25th. I have made payments arrangements in the past but I've never defaulted or been suspended. I'm just really worried that my phones will be shut off during those 3 days between my past due arrangement and my new bill. Is there anything I need to do to unsure that my phone service will not be suspended? I'm very worried about this.