I have been a n AT&T customer for 20+ years and Go Phone user for over a year. Sometime mid-summer I had the credit card I used in auto-pay get compromised in the Home Depot issue. I spoke to a Customer Service Rep . I gave her a new card and she assured me it was corrected and the auto-refill would continue uninterrupted. And that i was eligible for a $5 discount for being on auto-refill for so long. So I'm happy and looking forward to my $55 bill next month. Next month comes and my auto-refill does not take place and I get a text telling me as such. So I log on to my account and sure enough the old card is still there. I make the changes and the payment. Because the auto-refill failed I didn't get the $5 discount. No I'm not as happy, but my phone works. Next month the same thing happens so I call, because surely if I talk to person I can get this fixed. The Customer Service Rep I spoke to advised that I need the AT&T app for my iPhone and all would be good if I fixed it through this app. (Although she would not do it for me) I, once again, made the changes removing the old compromised card number and replacing it with the new one which has now made two successful payments. I'm a little less happy but my phone works. OK now the next month the auto-refill fails for the 3rd time. I logged back in to the payment site and do the same thing again. Albert Einstein said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. OK, OK now Happy is not at all what I am, But my phone works. OK yesterday Thanksgiving Day 11/27/2014, after receiving notice the my auto-refill would take place yesterday Thanksgiving Day 11/27/2014, mid day my phone quits. and tells me my auto-refill failed yet again. Now I'm not happy at all and my phone doesn't work. I logged in to the payment site made the payment and once again set my auto-refill to the CORRECT credit card account. Now my phone works but I'm not happy. Here is what I'm going to do: If someone will call and talk to me about this issue and credit my account with the $20 that I should have had over the last 4 months, I will once again wait for the auto-refill to go through and make me happy. If no one contacts me or my account auto-refill fails. I am gone. I realize the days of "Good" customer service are a thing of the past. But if I'm going to get poor service at least I won't be paying AT&T prices for it. Straight Talk provides the same service for $5 less that I'm paying now and I can change the account over in about an hour. Don't you think it is time to step up and do the right thing. My email is attached to this account email me and I will give you my number.