This whole mess started when I traded in my note 3 for a note 4. We received a gift card that we were told we could apply to our bill, so we saved the card. At the same time we ordered an iPhone 6 for my wife. Last week, my wife went in to pickup her iPhone 6 and trade in her iPhone 4s for which we received another gift card. Then she tried to pay our bill with both gift cards and this is where things started to go south...
On attempt 1 to pay this bill the associate tried to pay the bill with the card we received from the Note 4 and it failed. He stated that he did something and that we would have to wait til tomorrow. My wife said that it was fine and she would come back the next day to get this resolved.
On attempt 2 to pay this bill, the associate again tried to pay the bill with the same card and it failed again. The "billing expert" stated that she had to fax info to the card department and that the card would be activated within 24 hours.
On attempt 3 to pay this bill, my wife dragged our two kids in again and tried to pay the bill with the same card and it failed again. Now the "Assistant Manager" was involved and he would be the contact throughout the rest of this process. He stated that he would be working directly with the card department and this issue would be resolved by Monday the following week.
On attempt 4 (Monday) to pay this bill my wife went in again and talked to the "Assistant Manager" again, and the card department stated that it would take 2 hours to activate. 6 hours goes by with no contact and my wife called the "Assistant Manager" again who stated that they were still looking into the issue... So my wife, thinking that she is getting the run-around, asked if I could deal with this from here on out.
On attempt 5 to pay this same bill, I took a half day from work and called the Homewood IL. store (the same store we had been dealing with this entire time) and asked to speak with the store manager. The woman on the phone said "she was with a customer and would have to call me back". I waited an hour and went into the store. Upon arriving, the associate came up and asked if I needed some help. I told him that I needed to speak with the store manager. He asked if there was something he could help me with, to which I replied "I doubt it, but...". I explained the entire situation to him and stated that this bill needed to get paid today. He quickly replied that he would go get the manager for me.
-This is where I get really angry
After about 15 minutes the gentleman comes back out and states "My manager asked me to come out and inform you that she does not have time to deal with you".
I have been a customer for over 15 years, always paid my bill on time and have been completely understanding when things dont go exactly right, and this is the way I am treated??? If AT&T is looking to lose customers, this is a good way to do it. What people dont remember is that without us (being the good paying customers), store managers that "dont have time to deal with me" would be out of a job.
So, what am I supposed to do now? I have called customer service multiple times with no luck.
Here I am posting on this forum to get some help with this situation.
If an AT&T manager is available to resolve my issue and is willing to keep me from leaving, please call me... you have my number.