I am so annoyed with ATT! I feel scammed! I went to ATT to update my iPhone 4 to a 6 and learned that since I gave up my unlimited date plan in April and joined the "value plan" I can't just pay the 199 for the phone, now I have an additional monthly fee! I get what ATT did, that they adjusted the calculation so they aren't losing money on the phone. My issue is that when I gave up my unlimited data plan and downgraded to the 10 GB plan I specifically asked if anything would change besides my usage limitation and the answer was no. Well that was a lie! It's going to now cost me $20 more per month if I upgrade my phone now then it would have costed me if I kept the unlimited data! So in the end ATT screwed me because now I'm going to pay MORE for LESS .. Shame on you ATT.