I posted my 2 cents about this whole bait and switch on the Mobile Share plan and feel it my duty to give AT&T a LITTLE credit for addressing my issues. I called customer service this morning and got the standard non-answer answer everyone else is getting about "well, try the NEXT plan" or "Buy your phone outright." I refused to take that and asked for a supervisor. After waiting several minutes, I got through to one. She went through my bill line by line and compared it to my previous bills under my old plan. On my old plan, I had 1400 shared minutes, unlimited texting, unlimited data on two lines and 3 gb on a 3rd line. With my new 15 gb Mobile Share plan, I actually still come out paying $10 less a month for now. I no longer have my unlimited data and no longer have the huge savings but at least I'm not getting reamed. I made it a point to mention NO WHERE was it EVER STATED when I changed to Mobile Share over the phone that I would lose all this savings if I upgraded. The lady apologized and pointed out to me that today was actually 90 days from the day I switched plans and the VERY LAST DAY I could request to be moved back. I declined in light of having the charges explaned properly. She also gave me an $80 credit for my trouble. Of course, how much more will I be paying when I upgrade another line in the future???