In April of this year, I was advised to switch over to a Family Share Value plan per an AT&T associate. I was advised it would save me money. So far this year it has and Ive been rather pleased with it. At the time I switched my plan over, I gave up my 'Holy Grail' unlimited data plan and signed up both lines on a 10GB plan. Due to a promotion, it meant that I could get the non data portion of the account for $15 per line as both lines were under a 2 year contract (and I was paying for 10GB or more in data). $130 pre taxes and fees seemed acceptable.
Last week I was able to successfully order an iPhone 6 64 GB from Apple. $320 (taxes included) I was told it would be here 9-19. We will see...
Today I get a text message from AT&T telling me that because I upgraded my line (albeit STILL under a 2 year contract), the non data portion of my line would now be billed at the full $40 instead of $15. This was NOT explained to me at the time of signing up, or I would never had done so. Seriously? Who doesnt ever upgrade their phone? Now, If I had ordered the phone under the NEXT program (with the longest upgrade cycle as I refuse to "trade in" my phone during an upgrade and generally only upgrade every 2 years or so anyhow) the cost of the phone would be $0 upfront with a monthly device cost of $31.25, but the non data portion of the line would be the lower $15 for $46.25 total. So, $40 a month under a 2-year contract with a $320 device price or $46.25 a month with no starting price for the device. That difference of $6.25 over 24 months is a mere $150. So where does that extra $150 go (sans the $20 in tax to Uncle Sam)? Yup, my misled sorrows lines AT&Ts pockets!
A call to AT&T customer care yielded a polite associate who offered me a $15 credit. Thats not even close to the $170 I would waste over 2 years to be a valued customer. What a joke!
Apple was much more helpful. Since the order was too far along to cancel/change (which I suspect was the reason AT&T waited so long to spring this on Im stuck!) they couldnt do anything to change the plan/billed price of my order. They did indicate that they had taken a large number of phone calls regarding this wonderful increase in plan price and suggested that it may be possible to take the phone UNOPENED to an apple store, do a refund, wait for the upgrade to be possible again on AT&T servers, and then repurchase the same phone under the NEXT plan. What a hassle!
So SHAME ON YOU AT&T! Bait your customers with lower prices, then jack them up when they upgrade! If Apple cant help me out, I may just give the iPhone back to them, cancel my account and go elsewhere. Treating long term customers this way is the perfect way to lose them!