I have been charged a restoration fee for the past 3 months and my service has only been suspended once. There has been a charge of $52.40 on my last 3 bills. I pd. it 2x's too much and now there us another one on my bill. Please re-configure my bill again without all the late fees and restoration fees. You also charged me restoration fees 3x's on one bill cause I pd. It in 3 different pymts. It was a $470.07. I pd. $400, then turn around and pd. $70.00 that same day cause u wouldn't turn on service for the $400, and u still wouldn't turn it back on cause I left the .07 out, I just didn't see the .07. So u charged me 3x's on that bi!! Please reconfigure my bill this month with all thsee trumped up charges gone!! Thank you!! Mrs. Levart