Extremely dissatisfied with my total inability to anyone at ATT lcapable of providing assistance and in fact actually created problems and lied to me about returning phone calls. A phone ago as a Next plan customer, I attempted to upgrade to the S7 Edge online by paying off the remaining payment of $27 so I dutifully followed the website's prompts but instead of crediting the payment toward the phone, the payment was applied to my phone bill. As this was at night, I began the online chat circus and after doing this for awhile with a couple of technicians who couldn't do anything, I reached someone who promised me they could fit the problem and if I would just hold on, they would "clear it with their supervisor". Surprisingly when he came back online, there were "problems with the website" so he couldn't fix it then but he swore on a stack of bibles he would call the next day. Yeah, right - 1st lie. So I called customer service the next day and after the apparently obligatory 45-60 min wait, got person 1 who couldn't fix the problem but did cut me off while "transferring me to billing". Then again after the second 45 min wait, I reached another person and this time barely got through the explanation of the problem before I was suddenly and without warning speaking with a totally different person who didn't seem to speak English. Needless to say, we didn't get the problem resolved. Ultimately phoned back again and got in touch with someone in billing who determined the problem was that my home phone and wireless accounts were "linked" so she unlinked them and said this would take care of the problem but it would take 24-48 hrs for the money transfer to show up. So I waited for that to happen so I could get the phone and of course it didn't. So I finally went to the ATT store and paid another $27 to get the freaking phone. So of course now everything is great right? No, no, not with the wonderful AT&T. This next month I pay my bill with the same electronic bill pay I have always used but then I start getting notices from ATT that my account is overdue and they are going to shut off my service. So here we go again and now I'm 3 phone calls and 3 unhelpful (or incompetent) employees in but only 1 lie about a returned phone call. As far as I can tell what happened is that when the "helpful" ATT unlinked my accounts, 2 accounts were created - one for my home and one for my wireless and my payment was applied to the home phone account. There appears to be no way for ATT to move the money from one account to the other and the balance owed has a little * indicating it is for my home and wireless phones but go figure.
So, my question is - any suggestion about how I can get in touch with some person at ATT who can actually do something?