Needless to say I have learned my lesson about the difference between an authorized retail store and a corp. store. I guess I had always gone to a corp. store without realizing it in the past. Since I moved, I made the mistake of going to the closest store which turned out to be an authorized retailer only.
It was my anniversary and decided the wife and I needed new phones to treat ourselves. Needless to say, I am waiting on the return of approx. 470.00 as they charged my one card which they said did not go through (oh but it did) and also my other card which also went through. On top of that, the guy helping me took advantage of giving himself credit for opening a new line. I paid off the installment of my iPad and he gave me a new SIM card. I asked what it was for and he stated it was an upgraded one. Ok I thought. But no. When I called AT&T to inquire about my refund of the 470.00, they looked at my account at the same time I did and saw 2 iPads on my account. One was being cancelled and the other was pending activation. The rep on the phone stated that I should NOT have receeived a new SIM card and the guy did it to only credit himself (commission) with the addition of the new line. Needless to say I pulled out the new SIM card and put the old one back and had the new one cancelled.
At the end of the day, I spent- 470 (pay off iPad) / 160.00 (current bill) / 1403.00 (2 brand new iPhone 6's) and this is how I get treated. Not only did they try to bait and switch my iPad # but also double charged my card so add an additional 470.00 to the amount above. Would be nice if I could get my money back sometime soon. The only advice I get is to wait and see if it cancels as they only see one payment for the 470.00. Each day that goes by I get more and more upset....Come on AT&T. Your lack of oversight/training/compaince/ is starting to be a true reflection of your business practices. GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK NOW.