Its one of the annoying company in USA...So much of monopoly that it looks like they are run by whitehouse.
1. I have not understood why should I pay for data plan with smart phone when I don't want...
At home or office - everywhere I've wifi, and dim chances that to use data plan ...then why I'm forced...
And term and condition ...who reads that...And it should be valid term and condition and not the forced one...
2. They send us e-mail but when I want to send them e-mail for my concern and record then they don't have that facility...C'mon... in this age you don't have given this priviledge to customer... why? The whole world know your phone customer care are so lousy and they are another organisation within organisation...What they note no one know...And you may have to wait for hour to get it done...And if got disconnected, they don't call back...And if you calling again it goes to another executive and now you've to tell him your whole story again..
3. They send sometime paper bills etc, when you call about that bill or any discripancy then customer care guys say to ignore...And after one month again one more letter...
4. Two different executives will provide their own solution...There is no standard way of resolving the issue...If you get the good person on other end then he'll help you, if other person with bad mood then your mood is certain to be spoiled...
And its not that they trying to improve...